This morning I ran 10 miles! I ran it by myself because my training buddy has bursitis in her knee and it is not quite as easy when you're by yourself. Not as much to distract you. But I RAN the entire way, I never walked or stopped. I was really proud of myself. A few months ago I was proud of myself for running 2 miles without stopping. I feel like I've come a long way. (For the record, I did throw up a little after the run but I feel fine now. I think running that far on an empty stomach and then downing 80 oz. of water right after wasn't the best idea. I think it's also nice to have a physical goal for myself that is not just weight loss.
PS - I started weight watchers this week. I have plateaued for long enough. I am really ready to lose that last 15 pounds! The leader said something that really hit home with me. She said "The bottom line is: If you track, you will lose. If you don't, you won't." That is absolutely true with me.